I understand that a citizen of an EEA/EU country may stay and work in Iceland without a permit for up to three months from arriving in the country, or stay for up to six months if seeking employment and that Europeans wishing to stay longer must apply for a residence permit. But what is the proper procedure for a Canadian or American citizen hoping to find employment in Iceland? Is this feasible legally? Thank you.
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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I'm an American who is a Resident of Iceland. As an American you don't enjoy the same privileges as an EEA/EU citizen. You may VISIT for 3 months and even verbally secure a job with an employer. However, you must leave the country on your visitor's visa and apply for a Work Permit through the Utlingninstofnun. Once your Work Permit is approved, you may return for the length of time your Work Permit allows. Unless you personally know an employer or relative in Iceland who will give you a job and send you the paperwork for the Work Permit, this is the way it's done. Sucks to be us...